The Poetry Place
from Brian Evans-Jones
The Poetry Place helps poets like you write better poems.
Improve your poetry fast!
Get your free eBook with my top poetry tips:
8 Steps To Better Poems
I’ve been writing poetry since 1989, and teaching it since 2005.
Over that time, I’ve accumulated a LOT of experience in the art and craft of this crazy enterprise called poetry, and I’ve also been fortunate to share that with hundreds of poets in face-to-face teaching—for colleges, universities, schools, and in my own workshops and courses. I love this kind of teaching very much, but in 2020, I decided to find a way to pass on what I’ve learned to as many poets as possible, and from MUCH further afield!
And so The Poetry Place was born.
On The Poetry Place you’ll find articles on form and technique, creativity, and the drafting process, that give you the benefit of my experience in ways that you can understand and really use in your poetry.
I hope these articles will help you write better poems, grow your confidence, and enjoy your writing more and more!
As you browse through the topics here, you will:
Learn more about poetic forms and techniques, so you can write with a higher level of skill
Find new ways to explore and expand your creativity
understand what to do when in your drafting process to get the most out of your ideas.
All in bite-sized chunks that you can move through as you wish, and that are easy to understand and actually use.
About Me
I’m Brian Evans-Jones, and I’ve loved writing poetry since I was 16.
But it was 14 years before I got a poem published, and 23 years before I won my first competition.
Why did it take me so long?
Because, like you, I struggled. A lot!
I didn’t know enough about the techniques of poetry, or how to handle the drafting process. I had no confidence in my level of ability, and I felt overwhelmed by all there was to learn. I hadn’t read enough poetry, and I had painful writer’s block a lot, so I didn’t actually get much written. And I worked alone most of the time, so I didn’t get feedback that might have helped me.
Fast forward several years—OK, many years!—and things are very different for me now.
Now, I know all kinds of techniques and forms that I can use when I want to. I have learned how to manage my drafting process so I can create better poems and also enjoy my writing so much more. Reading contemporary poetry is my favorite thing to do whenever I get a few minutes. I am confident sharing my work, and I know how to receive and use feedback.
And my poetry has won me some important recognition:
At the Maureen Egen Award reading in NYC
I was Poet Laureate of Hampshire in the UK (where I used to live) in 2012‑13, and in America I won the Maureen Egen Award from Poets & Writers in 2017. I’ve had poems published in magazines, competitions, and art events on both sides of the Atlantic. And I’ve taught at three colleges/universities, visited dozens of schools as a visiting Teaching Artist, and worked with hundreds of adult students through my own workshops and courses.
How did this happen?
What took me from despairing and clueless, to poet laureate and published prizewinner?
Well, some of it was my own hard work and determination to keep going. But my biggest leaps were due to some great teachers. David Morley at Warwick University in the UK, and Charlie Simic, David Rivard, and Mekeel McBride at the University of New Hampshire in the US, were all vital in my progress. They showed me what I needed to do to get better, and gave me the skills and the confidence to do it.
I know that there are many, many poets out there who—like you!—would love to have the kind of support and guidance that I received. But I also know not everyone wants to do long and expensive courses of study, as I did.
That’s why I set up The Poetry Place: for every poet who wants to learn, but who doesn’t want to do full-time study, or even part-time, for year after year.
I’ve taught hundreds of adults who want very much to write better poetry, but who don’t know how to go about it—and I can help.
Thanks to my own experiences, I have a deep understanding of the struggles that you go through and the help you need. I believe with all my soul that no matter what your level of experience right now, you can learn to create great poems, and become completely confident in yourself as a poet and creator.
My students have gone on to be placed in competitions, get book deals, and see their work published in magazines—and you can do this too!t
To start with, I suggest you begin by downloading my free eBook, 8 Steps to Better Poems, which contains my most important tips for improving your writing.
These topics do not appear elsewhere on the website!
Improve your poetry fast!
Get your free eBook with my top poetry tips:
8 Steps To Better Poems
If and when you’re ready for more intensive help, The Poetry Place also tells you about a few ways to work with me directly:
Poetry Parlor, a monthly membership club to boost your knowledge and reading, get feedback from me to improve your skills, and connect with other poets; and
The Work With Me page, which includes Mentoring, Poetry Critique, and Manuscript preparation.
Thank you for visiting!
Please take some time to explore this site, and if there’s a topic you want help with that I haven’t written about yet, email me to let me know!